Top 5 Tips on Content

Antelope's Hayley Lee gives you her Top 5 Tips for Great Business Content - click here to view her blog.

1.   Make it visual - add infographics, video or visuals.

2.    Tailor your content to your audience - one size doesn't always fit all.

3.   Don’t talk about yourselves - "The biggest insight is that no one wakes up and thinks, ‘I really want to find out what Pedigree is saying today’," says Mars CMO Bruce McColl.  

4.    Make it concise - no-one wants War and Peace.

5.    If they want more, tell them where to find you-  70% of content doesn’t have a call to action.

And Recycle it. Try and place it in your industry journal - or get someone like Antelope to do it for you. Tweet it, share it and ask friends to share. 




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