Christmas Cheer

Activist branding or social conscience marketing is predicted to be one of the biggest trends for 2020 . As we become a more caring and socially aware society, what brands are doing to help their communities and environment, what social value they are adding is top of the consumer agenda. As I write this the politicians are debating their values, shouting about their manifestos and trying to get as many crosses at the ballot boxes. And what is it they are shouting about? Environment issues, austerity, the need to properly fund mental health, the plight of the elderly, the NHS crisis, the lack of affordable and social housing – all elements that are close to the British public’s hearts. It is no surprise therefore that brands are reflecting their value bases and their sense of purpose to attract and retain their customer base.

To be overtly commercial is no longer cool. To be a brand that has a reason to exist has far more layers to attract the customer.

So, how do brands integrate their social conscious into their marketing strategy?

1. It needs to be genuine and relevant. Look to your target audiences and understand what causes they support. So, supporting an animal protection charity might be great if your brand is targeted at those with pets. Or if you sell women’s clothing then fashion mainly targeted at women, then women’s health is a great place to start. You get the idea.

2. Make it real. Brands who talk about their environmental purpose and then whose supply chain pollute rivers in India are not going to be taken seriously.

3. Be careful how you promote your purpose. Sanctimonious marketing and being seen to do good can come across negatively rather than positively.

4. Be consistent. If you have selected a charitable cause to partner as your brand values match theirs then it is worth sticking with it for a while. Not only will it take time to raise awareness of your association with the cause, but it might also take a while to raise funds for that cause.

5. And finally, involve your audience. If customers like the fact that your brand has a social conscience, they are likely to have one too. Encourage them to get involved with your fundraising or your awareness campaign. By rallying your brand troops you are creating an army of followers, not only for the charity but for your brand too.

Image by Jackie Ramirez from Pixabay


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